
Is Mobile Marketing Just A Temporary Fad Wholesale

Mobile Marketing is the hottest thing to hit marketing in a very long time. This is marketing with a difference LED Bulbs -consumer opt-in; it is engaging and interactive. Its fast, personal, customized and it is most definitely a hit with businesses and consumers alike. But is it just a craze, a passing phase, a temporary fad?Mobile when it was first introduced, it was unflatteringly called the third screen after the television and the PC. Statistics today show that Wholesale Cell Phone Accessories mobiles are more widely used than ever before and are outnumbering PC ownership 4 to 1 in the US. Worldwide there are some 5 billion mobile devices in use. That is quite an upward trend indeed and so it follows that mobile marketing is also on the up and up.Mobile marketing is doing great things for any size business, but it is the larger corporations take-up of mobile marketing that is hitting the headlines. Disney is one such company that springs to mind with its mobile initiatives and mobile continues to increase in its importance as a marketing channel for the company. Toyota is also using mobile marketing to great effect and their latest campaign was prominent at this years LA Auto Show with reportedly great results.Mobile marketing is without doubt changing the way we, the consumers, view advertising, branding and products. It is already changing, perhaps even revolutionizing, the way we now shop and the way we will shop in the near future. In the US, it is even changing the way Politicians are viewed and how their campaigns are run. Mobile marketing may well change communication as we know it altogether. It is certainly helping to drive commerce, with the mobile commerce market, itself, worth over $2.5 billion and growing. Mobile marketing is even influencing the way mobile phones are developed. It is big investment (with already proven results) which would not be made if it were just a fad!Mobile marketing is part of the future of marketing and the best way to see how it works is to try it out as Wholesale Shoes part of your overall marketing plan. Dont just wait to see if it is a passing phase. It is here to stay, so best climb aboard now and see what it can do for your business.

